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Vegan for the animals

Most vegans choose to live a vegan lifestyle because they are against contributing to the suffering, exploitation, abuse, the torture and the murder of innocent lives each year. 


We view upon the consumption of non-human animals as well as their byproducts to be unnecessary and unjustifiable. 

Animals have every right to live just as humans do. 
We take a stand against cruelty and exploitation by choosing not to consume their bodies and their excretions. 
If everyone knew what happens behind the closed doors of slaughterhouses, dairy and egg farms, then we believe that the vast majority of people would easily make the connection and they would choose 
- not to have animal corpses on their plates
- not to consume byproducts of their excretions
- not to wear their skins
- and not to use cosmetics and other products tested on animals 
Animals are not ours to use or consume. 

What is more important? The life of an animal or the satisfaction of our taste buds?
We have witnessed that when compassionate people learn the horrific truth of animal agriculture, they choose to stop funding it. 


Be kind, it’s easy.

Gary Yourofsky's charismatic speech that will blow away the myths, fill your mind with interesting facts, and help you make ethical choices for a healthy heart and soul

Why There’s No Such Thing as “Humane” Meat

There are many ways that the industries and individuals who stand to make a profit off of animal exploitation and cruelty try to hide or tame the facts about how animals are treated in captivity or before they are turned into food and byproducts. Terms like “ethically sourced,” “humanely raised,” “free range,” “cage free,” and more show up on animal products to put the consumer at ease, but the bottom line is that it’s not an ethical practice to kill a living being that does not want to die just so you can enjoy the taste of their body for a brief moment in time, no matter how nicely you treated them before sending them to slaughter.


Why Milk & Eggs are Not Free From Harm

A common belief is that a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet (one that abstains from meat but still consumes eggs and dairy) is a cruelty-free choice. While a vegetarian lifestyle certainly creates less of a demand for animals killed for their meat compared to a standard omnivore diet, it unfortunately is still very complicit in the crueler practices faced by animals who are used for their milk and their eggs.


No Milk without a Baby Cow (or baby goat, or baby sheep…)

Cows are mammals who, like all mammals, only produce milk as a result of giving birth. Milk is produced in mammals for only one reason: to feed and nourish their young. When a dairy cow gives birth to a calf, however, that calf may never receive the nutrients intended for them. Whether milk is produced in a giant factory farm or on a small family farm, the results are the same: a cow is forcibly inseminated and made to carry her calf to term, after which the calf is taken from her so that he or she doesn’t feed on what is intended to be profit for the farmer. This causes extreme emotional distress in the mother every time the cycle happens, not to mention the physical toll of being forced to birth far more babies than she would naturally in her lifetime, stand confined on concrete floors to be milked three times per day, and fed hormones and antibiotics to increase her milk production and stop the spread of disease that these conditions cause in the first place.
The fate of the calf depends on its sex, and is horribly cruel either way: if male, the calf is considered a waste product of the dairy industry (because he will never produce milk), and may be put into veal production, where he will be kept confined and restricted of nutrients until his very early death (usually around 8 months old). If the calf is female, she will be put into dairy production as soon as her body is able to conceive, and meet the same cruel fate as her mother. The natural lifespan of cattle can be up to 20 years, but a dairy cow often will only make it to age five before no longer being viewed as profitable, and sent to slaughter. These fates are similar for other female 
species used for dairy, including but not limited to goats and sheep.

The Hidden Costs of Eggs

Most egg-eating folks assume that, because chickens naturally lay eggs, eating eggs comes at no harm to the hens. However, we know this is not the case. A wild hen will only lay around 10-15 eggs per year (other sources estimate 20-30), and despite being natural, the process comes at a huge physical toll on the hen’s body. To meet the demands of eggs for consumption by humans, hens have been “intensively bred” and subjected to all manner of cruel practices to force their bodies to overproduce the estimated 250-300 eggs each egg-laying hen is forced to yield annually. If between 10 and 30 eggs carries a physical burden on a hen’s body and reproductive organs, imagine the pain and anguish 10-25 times that production causes.
The natural lifespan of a chicken can be anywhere from 8-15 years, but an egg-laying hen often won’t make it to age two before she is considered “spent” and no longer of use to the industry, at which point she will be killed. As fertilized eggs are hatched by the thousands in hatcheries to produce newer generations of egg-laying hens, naturally around 50% of the time a male chick is born. Much like male calves in the dairy industry, a male chick is of no use to the egg industry, and is considered a waste product. Male chicks are routinely collected and ground alive when they are less than one day old. 

Eggs produced in these facilities are not a cruelty-free byproduct for anyone involved

What about eggs from a backyard hen? While the hens cared for more as pets than as egg-laying machines in factory farms might be given some kind of improved quality of life (and in other cases, may not), eating or selling their eggs is still a basic form of exploitation. Though the day to day cruelty may possibly be diminished, these individuals are still being used for what they can provide for someone else, and not given bodily autonomy. Buying eggs or chicks to become backyard hens also feeds directly into the exploitative and cruel practices of egg farming that most “urban farmers” are trying to avoid in the first place, as well as perpetuating the profitability and desire of eggs.


Good to know: Pigs, Dairy & Egg Industries

Pigs Used for Food at

The Dairy Industry at

The Egg Industry at

The dark truth of modern animal agriculture, questioning the morality and validity of humankind’s dominion over the animal kingdom

Documentary by Chris Delforce

Super Useful Links

Animal Rights:

Support Ocean Conservation:

Vegan Help:

Let's try vegan! A 22-day vegan experience with full guidance and mentorship - it's free!

Let's double in size

With 1,250+ animal residents and 20,000+ animals saved over our 30 years of operation, there's land on sale next to The Retreat and we have to double in size so we can help many more animals! For them.
All they need is your help <3

HELP us help them AT:


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